From budgeting to monitoring to implementing, AMI coordinates all the services your community requires to run smoothly and efficiently.
Complete the online Request For Proposal here.
NEW RESIDENT/SALES INFORMATION (PREPARATION AND DISTRIBUTION) – New members are sent a package welcoming them to the community and explaining required approval processing, and availability of copies of documents, rules and regulations, Questions and Answers sheets, etc. Homeowners are also provided information on how to sign up for the Association website (owner portal) so they may have access to the Association’s documents, calendar and their account information. The mailing can include any other information the Association would like to have sent to the new owner.
GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE – Our team is dedicated to timely and complete assistance with general questions relating to the various aspects of the neighborhood. Our team is eager to respond to various requests that we receive from homeowners, renters, contractors, potential owners, title companies and anyone else that needs assistance.
ORGANIZATION OF ASSOCIATION RECORDS – AMI maintains Association files at their office in an organized and accessible manner. AMI is very responsive to requests for historical documents from Board members and Association members. AMI maintains financial history and vendor files that include the original proposal and contract, as well as individual invoices throughout the relationship with the individual contractor. This avoids the necessity of tracking through many months of financial statements to locate individual invoices. Similarly, individual unit owner files are maintained that contain the original evidence of ownership, all correspondence received from and mailed to the owner, including any delinquency letters, architectural and covenant violation matters.
RECORDS AND FILES MAINTENANCE – Colorado law requires the Association maintain an extensive list of records that must be available for inspection by any unit owner with a properly submitted written request to inspect the records. Our services includes keeping your records in compliance with the Law and handling requests to inspect your records.
SPECIAL MAILINGS – This includes typing, mailing or preparing for distribution, any special communications from the Board or its officers to the members or other third parties.
MEMBER ROSTER MAINTENANCE – This includes maintaining the owners of record names, addresses, and contact when provided.
TENANT (RENTER/LESSEE) ROSTER – Our computer system has fields that can be used to track the Renter or Lessee when requested. This service is part of our basic fee, if information is provided by owner or Board and does not require additional research.
RESALES: PREPARATION AND PROCESSING OF TRANSFER INFORMATION – The Association is required by Law to provide a unit owner or unit mortgagee, a certificate giving the status of the unit owner’s account. However, these certificates are often demanded by attorneys and title companies on very short notice over the phone and then followed up by email. When the transfer involves a fee, the costs are charged to the owner.